NextVenture | Business Principles
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Business Principles

Superior Investing

This means achieving attractive returns without commensurate risk. While we seek superior returns, consistency and protection of capital will remain a top priority.


Know Your Target Markets

Market and sub-market analysis is and must always be one of our company’s core competencies. Finding value-add opportunities or turnkey products that produce the desired yield will only come through in-depth research and a thorough knowledge of a market or submarket. Our research revolves around enumerating the elements required for success and identifying investment candidates through which we seek to satisfy those requirements.


Share In Our Clients Risk

In order to achieve commonality of interests with our clients, we take an equity position in our investments. Not only do we take an equity position but we structure our deals so that the client investor will always receive their equity back before we receive a penny of our equity.


Communicate With Our Clients

Communication with clients must meet their needs and strengthen our relationships with them. We want every client to thoroughly understand our philosophy, approach, actions and results. In reporting our performance, we accurately state our achievements, neither hiding behind excuses for losses nor taking credit for serendipitous gains.


Avoid Mistakes

We consider it far more important to avoid mistakes than to capture every opportunity. We will only invest in a product when we are convinced that we can achieve the requisite return with limited risk.



Our company is run for the benefit of its clients and their constituencies as well as for its owners and employees. Without profitability this will not occur.

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.